Help! green algae problem


Large Fish
Aug 21, 2003
Wilmington, NC
Visit site
Rececntly my Reef tank is being overtaken by some green algae looking stuff. It started with a few green spots of slimey green stuff with air bubbles under it. Then it spread everwhere and started getting stringy and long. I need help because it spreading everywhere, even on my corals. I even bought some emerald crabs because I read that they eat a lot of algae, they helped a little, but the stuff spead too rapid. Does anyone know what it is ? And how do I get rid of it?


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
I really need more information on your tank. Give me the specific gravity, PH, Alkalinity, Nitrate, Nitrite, phospate. These tests will give me an idea of what it could be. Also how much light is on the tank, is there direct sunlight? How long has it been set-up how big are the fish? and do you add any chemicals to the water. Basically everything you did and do to the tank. Back to the algae, it probably is a hair algae. This is caused by a high amount of phosphates. To reduce this, use R.O. water and get rid of some fish. But I can't be really sure until I get more information.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine Set-up, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Scopas Tang, 2 Yellow Tailed Damsels, 1 Clarkii Clown, 1 Harlequin Tuskfish
20 Gallon Reef, 2 Percula Clownfish, 1 Firefish, shrimp, crabs, snails, LTA Anemone, assorted soft corals.
10 Gallon Reef, 1 Cinnamin Clownfish, shrimp, crabs, snails, assorted corals
20 Gallon Freshwater planted Tank, 2 Marbled Angelfish, 1 Kribensis, 7 Glowlite Tetras, 2 Lemon Tetras, 3 Serpae Tetras, 1 Pleco


Large Fish
Aug 21, 2003
Wilmington, NC
Visit site
Here are the specs.....
29 Reef tank
130w CF coralife aqualight
Emporer 280 filter
Powerhead 201 and 301
Coralife superskimmer 1
Renacal 200w heater

The tenants
2-Green chromis
1-Yellow tang
1-Clarki clown
1-Scooter Blenny
1-Bubble tip anenome
1-Peppermint shrimp
2-Emerald Crabs
5-Asst hermit crabs

Toadstool leather
Button polyp colony
Flourescent mushrooms

unknown amount live sand
20 Lbs premium fiji LR

PH 8.2-8.4


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Well, here is my advice. First keep the lighting under control. If there is any direct sunlight coming from a window get rid of it. Keep the light on for 10 to 12 hours a day. If the bulbs has been in the fixture for more than 8 months replace them. Second remove any phosphates from the water. You can buy a phosphate sponge from your LFS and place it in your filter. Also use R.O. water. Third feed the fish very sparingly or remove some fish. Over feeding and over crowding will result in an overly large amount of nutrients that your filter and skimmer will handle. Finally you could add different kinds of Caulerpas algaes to the tank. They can remove a lot of phospates from the water, and look very nice. Your tang will love to nibble on these. This is what I think could help you fight the algae. If yo have any more questions post a new thread.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine system
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Freshwater planted aquarium


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What's coming out of the skimmer? How often are you cleaing the emporer? How thick is the live sand, how often hoovered, how often water changes?
How long has this tank been running? If less thna 6 months you're still really getting established. At the end of the day algae is a nutrient problem. Mucking around with the lighting isn't an answer.
Agree with getting a phosphate test, and checking an old lightbulb hasn't drifted to red.