help help new fish introduced


Small Fish
Aug 5, 2009
longford, ireland
hey please could you help me. i have been given two clown fish one pink skunk and one common clown.. both were healthy.. my tank is still cycling though. i was given these fish as the fella was closing down his tank.. my tank is a 500 litre tank in week 3 of cycling... no problems on water quality no readings of anyrhing.. ph 8.2.. have live rock in there approx 35 kg.. along with a few hermit crabs and turbo snails..

right the prob is i introduced these fish yesterday and they are not happy this morn they are both swimming the surface of the tank only comin down for a few secounds to return to the surface...

what could be wrong and will they survive.

oh and the clowns are wild caught, and i have 2 power heads as well as the sump pump returning water so oxygen should not be a prob


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I'm hoping your ammonia reading is at zero.

Try pointing the powerheads towards the surface of the water to create more turbulence there. Ideally, have the powerheads pointing in opposite directions in the tank.

It sounds to me like either there's ammonia or insufficient oxygen in the tank.


Small Fish
Aug 5, 2009
longford, ireland
yea ammonia is at zero. just hoping it dow to stress andthey ok when i gethome tomo...will try pointing the power heads upwards....

if it turns out to be lack of oxygen how would u recommend increasing the oxygen levels