Help! I think my Betta is choking.

Oct 17, 2004
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Hello all,

I recently purchased my first fish, a nice Betta! After taking on a rather unsettling shade of grey after the trip home from the pet store he quickly regained his colour and he seems to have settled in to his new home.

My concern is that when I feed him, he appears to choke. His head moves up and down and brings the pellet back up. After a few attempts he seems to hold it down. Is this normal Betta behaviour or should I start practicing my mouth to mouth resuscitation skills?

I'm feeding him 2 Betta pellets a day as recommended by the pet store.

Sep 30, 2004
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I think the head up and down thing is like chewing, but I'm not sure. Mine does that with everything he eats. He also spits things out sometimes, especially Frog Bites that I feed my frog. He tries one, doesn't like it, and spits it back out lol.

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