help! I think my new oto has a worm

I just got 3 otos last night and I did a really careful acclimation cause I know they are known for dying right away. Anyways, they all seemed fine until the last hour when one is just sitting on an ornament not sucking or anything, with his fins clamped down. I can barely see this seethrough thing that's maybe smaller in diameter than thread, and it appears to be attached to the top of it's head/body and the rest of it is floating (hanging) and is maybe 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch long? It's so hard to see.

Anyways, I'm thinking maybe it's that Argulus fish louse? or maybe it's nothing, I have no idea. Should I do anything? I don't want to medicate the tank because I have an elephant nose too.

Please let me know if I should do something with him!


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ok, I just checked on him again, and at first I thought it was gone (it's that hard to see), but then realized that it was still there and looks like there's two. maybe it was just some debris that caught onto his body, earlier I removed this small "filter" like thing I bought to cut and fit around the end of my intake valve so little fry wouldn't get sucked up, and I know some stuff was flying around when I took it off.

But that still doesn't answer why he's acting funny. I guess with otos it just happens. Is he doomed?

My tank is 0-0-9, and pH around 7.5 KH 8.96 (if I remember right). Last water change was about 2 weeks ago 20%. We have lot's of algae in the back of the tank and all over the gravel and the other two are still acting like their getting something.


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Large Fish
Oct 21, 2005
Ithaca, NY
I think you can usually take care of external parasites with aquarium salt, but I'm not sure how well an oto would like that. Did you check your lfs for parasite treatment at all?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Do you not think it could be anchor worm? What about googling that? If it looks like that, then google the treatments for it. I think-- but I may be mistaken-- that Coppersafe would be good for getting rid of it.
Let us know what you find out. And if you could get a pic of the parasite thingy it might be that somebody here could help ID it.

thank you. At some point after my last post, I couldn't find him and I thought for sure he was dead, but sure enough, I barely found him in a cave by my driftwood. It almost looked like he was sucking, but I couldn't tell. Then about an hour or two after that, I actually saw him swimming with the others and he looked pretty good. Right now, I can't find him, but it's dark now so I guess I'll check on him in the morning.

I kept trying to see if I could see that thing on him again, but I can only see when the light hits it just right so I'm not sure if it's still there or not.

I'll let you guys know how he is tomorrow. Thank you.

oh, S-Kate, I did that as soon as I got done with my second post. Just did a 10% though. I was waiting for my python gravel vacuum that was coming in the mail- just came today in fact. I do like it, much much easier! I just wish the tube on the end was skinnier cause I couldn't get around all my decor.

well. he's back on the drift wood again. not sucking just lying there with his top fin clamped again, with an seldom attempt to "suck" on the drift wood.

I'm wondering now if maybe I don't have the right algae in the tank, the other two seem to swim around alot and not stay in one place... but the whole back glass is covered with some brownish algae, but it doesn't look like they want it. When I first added them, that was the first place they went, but not now.

Should I try to feed them algae wafers? I hope that's not the case because the whole reason I got them was to take care of the algae that's all over the glass and plants.

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oh, don't know if this is anything,... I happened to notice that the one having the problem (still can't see if there is anything on him still), is bigger than the other two. The other two have always stayed together while this one has been on his own for the most part. Could he be lonely?

I just read on another post that otos love brown algae, so surely that couldn't be the problem cause I have lots of it, but aren't catfish suppose to stay in one spot for a while? These guys seem to move constantly


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How are they doin now? My ottos aren't like plecos...they dont stay in one spot a long time, and it always seemed like most of the algae disappearance happened overnight. Maybe they're just not hungry? What do their tummies look like? Happy ottos have round tummies, look like they swallowed a pea whole (its kinda cute). If their stomachs are sunken in you might try seeing if they'll eat an algae wafer.

wanted to say a late thanks,

eventually all but one died, and I got more, and now I'm left with three. They pretty much stay together and all at the same spot and don't move very often.

I have noticed that they have grown, so they must be getting something. I'm not sure about the pea in the stomach, but they don't look sucken in.

Thanks again guys.