A few days ago I noticed that my female betta, Tovi, had little white dots on her. I figured it was fungus and put Jungle FUngus Clear in the tank cuz when she was at the store, she was in the same tank with a platy with an awful case of fungus. The spots went away after the first day of her treatment... but yesterday Merlyn had the same spots, but more! I put more Fungus Clear in the tank but they haven't gone away... I did some research on it and discovered they have ick! The only reason Tovi's spots went away was cuz they moved on to the next stage and infected Merlyn! AGH! I put some Hex-a-mit in the tank cuz it says it cures white dots... anything else I should do? Should I raise the temp? It's at 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Both of them are still eating like pigs, swimming around, etc. *SICK*