Help ID a potential disease

Hi there

a while ago I noticed a spot pattern on my Severum fish, and at first I tought it was normal, like it was part of it's coloration. Sometimes they are barely visible, but some other times they really stand out. I read on the net about some diseases that appear as 2 mm width brown spot on the body of fish. I don't know if my fish has that or if it's normal coloration. I got a pic that shows quite clearly what I'm talking about.

None of my other fish has that. Water parameters are real nice, besides the pH might be a little high for him, since he doesn't really belong in that tank. It was one of the first fish I bought and at that moment I wasn't thinking of doing an african tank. Besides the pH, I can't see anything that could bother him. He grows fine, eats fine, he is very active and everything.

Tell me what you think


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I think thats natural. Looks good to me. I don't think you should worry about it to much until you really see something changing (i.e eating habits, temperment, hiding in a corner...etc.) But i think thats know, discus with spots are the most expensive ;). Now i don't know why you don't want to give this fish up, oh and nice pic too.

EDIT: Just did a quick search on google just to back up my answers and if you look at the pics of severums it should calm you a bit....lots of spots. :) Don't see any need to worry.

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Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Agree with C-man. The spots look to uniform to be an illness of sorts.

It is a very nice looking fish. I dont belive I have run accross a severum with that coloration before. Very beutiful indeed.