Help Identify some sunfishes.


Small Fish
Jan 19, 2013
Austin Texas
I live by this creek, and i'm always catching stuff there, and bringing it home. My favorite find was gambusias by the ton. I was so excited to actually find livebearers in my local creek in southtexas. well recently i had heard that in the same creek there was some bluegill and perch present. My friend took his cast net, and got some babies. about an 1.5INCHES head to tail. I'm having trouble identifying them by their exact species. For me half the fun is narrowing it down to exact species. What i've gathered so far, is that one is a lepomis megalotis(longear sunfish), and 2 of them are lepomis macrochirus(bluegill). I'm not sure. i found one pic online(google) that looked just like the longear sunfish, which is almost like the bluegill cept no real (vertical) striation on the body, but it's got the teal striation pattern on the face. and I found a pic of the bluegill. These are photos from my fish tank with the aforementioned specimens. Any information would be greatly appreciated. and if you know facts like maximum size, and stats, I would be greatly appreciative.

Bluegill :

Longear Sunfish :

Various Pics, and Angles.



Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
it's hard to say but it looks like it gould be a young green sunfish. with it being that young it can be hard to tell. in my profile pic u can see a pumpkin seed i got on my flyrod a few years ago. i'm thinking about getting a couple of them for my 30 gallon. and as for maximum size most panfish can get up to 10-12 inches long. world record bluegill was about the size of a hub cap and weighed and amazing 4 pounds. my green sunfish i originally caught for flathead bait and was about 3 inches long in august and is now pushing 9 inches. although i do feed him rather well. the occational guppy or brichardi mixed with chrickets and dew worms. and a regular diet of new life large kio formula floating pellets. he gets about 8 of those a night. he will also polish off about a dozen inch long feeder goldfish in a night. keep in mind all sunfish are pedators and will eat anything they can fit in thier mouth and can be teritorial. green sunfish tend to live in caves and rocks and ambush prey. and they will protect thier hole. he kicks my 7 inch craw dad out of the hole if he wants it. thats all the info i can think of off the top of my head. hope some of it helps but sorry i can't narrow down what species it it exactly.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Any chance the first fish is a perch? As I remember as a kid it was the perch that had those vertical stripes - don't remember them on sunfish or blue gills. Its been a lot of years, though!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
see the perch thing is thrown around all over the country. i know of 3 different species of perch but only one is a true perch. sheephead or drum people call perch here in the midwest and i have heard of rock bass being called perch before. the only true perch that i know of is a ring perch or yellow perch but they are more of a northern cold water fish. but in any event none of those fish look anything close to those 3 species i just mentioned as perch. it definatly looks to be a species of sunfish. these are the ones i know of off the top of my head. long ear, red ear, bluegill, pumpkinseed, warmouth, shell cracker, and green sunfish. those are the species of sunfish that i know of and catch regularly here. but obviously there can be more in other places that i have never seen or heard of before. but my guess is that it is one of those species.