Help identify this snail


Small Fish
Jun 20, 2003
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snail id

i don t know the name of that snail but i don t think that it wil do any harm to your tank .
Probably it will benefit your tank because it aerates the substrate!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Malaysian livebearing snail aka trumpet snail. A good snail for any tank, they will not eat plants, they tend to stay on the substrate (although as you can see they will climb the glass from time to time), they will eat algae and detrius, and as their name implies, they give birth to live young.
I love them and have them in all my freshwater tanks except the one with the loaches (loaches eat snails).

You're lucky to get such a cool-looking snail show up in your tank. I added plants a while ago, and about 6 weeks later, a common snail showed up. It's shell is plain, black and round with no horn shape.

wanna trade?

It has done me no harm, and it likes to munch on the algae that the fish don't eat.