help! i'm worried about my betta

Jun 3, 2005
I have a betta fish that I got about a week & a half ago, and I'm worried that something's wrong with his gills. Last night after he flared them out, these marks on them looked bright red. Now they don't look quite so red, but I don't think they look normal, either. I bought some bettafix today, but I'm not sure if I should use it. I really don't want my betta to die. What should I do?

Jun 3, 2005
he is in a 1 gallon tank

i've tested the water with 5 in 1 test strips, and it seems okay. i also just changed the water yesterday.

i've been reading up on diseases, but all of them say he will show other symptoms, like being inactive, etc., but he's acting normal.

also, everything i've read about bettafix is different.

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Are you using tap water (municipal water or a well) and are you treating the water to remove the chlorine?
Bettafix will not hurt him. Feel free to use it.
I assume since this is a 1 gallon tank that it is not filtered. Even if it is it wouldn't be cycled yet (unless you bought a cycle agent).
When you say that the water test was fine was there any ammonia at all on the reading? Just so know: once the tank is mature the ammonia should read 0 whenever you test it. 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, and low Nitrate = okay water. That's not too much to worry about though. Betta's are pretty hardy, and low waste producers which is why they can live in these small bowls.
Right now I'm mostly interested in the chlorine though.

Jun 3, 2005
i am using tap water, but i'm treating it with ammonia chloramine eliminator. i'm mostly worried that the bettafix will kill my fish. i read somewhere that it can kill them because of their labrynth. also, i had a goldfish that died right after i treated it for ich. and since i'm not sure what's wrong with my fish, if anything, i'm afraid to treat it.

some bettas just have very red gills...what color is he? If the fish is acting ok, he may not be sick, just has red gills.

Bettafix and Melafix have gotten a bad rep recently with bettas...I've never ever had a betta react badly to Melafix, and for sure not bettafix. Bettafix is a weaker version of melafix. Yes, if you OD the tank there can be problems...also if you have just dumped the med in and the betta swims thru the cloud...that can cause them to react. Malaluca is a gill irratant...but if you follow the directions on the bottle, you shouldn't have any problems at all.