Recently I purchased some new oto's from my LFS and now my tiger barbs and oto's are dying off! they all had the same symptoms by swimming sporadically, and lying upside down on the substrate or on the surface. Any diagnosis?! Thanks
Ya, its my 22 and it's been cycled. I can get the readings later today. It looks like it may have to do something with their swim bladders because they kepp having to swim down...
Ya, its my 22 and it's been cycled. I can get the readings later today. It looks like it may have to do something with their swim bladders because they kepp having to swim down...
For the all the fish to be "swimming sporadically, and lying upside down on the substrate or on the surface" and dying off, I'd suspect a water quality issue before all of them having swim bladder problems. Especially if you say it happened when you increased the number of fish recently. Just my 2cents...
does any sorta look like pinecones?the fish will keep its color, but its scales will stick out making it look like a living colorful pinecone. this is the symtoms of dropsy. if they have this diesese, get rid of them right away!