Help Issue with Nitrites

Nov 17, 2009
So I have had my tank setup for 3 months and have had high nitrite levels for the past two months that wont seem to go away with treatment suggested by my LFS and water changes. All other levels are normal and no ammonia is present in the water tests. I have java moss, wisteria, amazon swords and java ferns. Fish are two panther catfish, white convict, firemouth chiclid, spotted puffer, two chinese algae eater and one mono. I have visited 3 LFS and each tests my water says no ammonia present but high nitrites and then they sell me a product they believe will remove the nitrites but none have worked so far please help I am going nuts over this.
Oh also fish do not seem to have any issues not gasping for air at the surface which is typically a sign of high nitrites. I have only lost one fish a black convict she kept laying eggs every two weeks since I got her and just died the other day after laying a fresh batch of eggs.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
look at their gills. if they are red-inflamed then they are experiencing nitrite poisoning and wont last long.

I highly doubt you shoul've referred to an LFS regarding your cycle. and you certainly didnt need any of the products they sold you.


that is the bottom line. w/e they recommended that you add to the tank may be actully disrupting the cycle. Amquel will do that, and so might Nutrafin Cycle. those products that hold bacteria DONT HELP, unless they are refrigirated at the store you buy them at. so just do water changes daily to reduce the nitrite level, and always use tap dechlorinator. apart from that just give the tank time.


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2009
I agree stop adding everything and do a 50% water change to get it out of the tank make sure you use a water treatment/de-clorinator, add it to the water in the bucket before you add it to the tank and let the bucket sit for atleast 15 min. after adding declorinator other wise the clorine will kill off the bacteria in the tank. your tank should finish cycling soon.

once it's cycled you can add some plant fertz I recomend seachem flourish just follow the directions so you don't poision the tank good luck with the wisteria I have some and it's taken over my tank.