At some point during the past two or three days, one of my bettas have developed some sort of bump on his chin. I've heard /read the symptoms before but can't locate the exact post.
At any rate, it looks very much like a nasty pimple. It's swollen and I can see some sort of white "dot" in the middle of it (under the skin) kind of like a whitehead.
I'm thinking it's either a parasite (which surprise me since I've never had anything like this) or an infection from an injury.
I'm going to be treated him with some Maracyn and hope that helps.
Has this happened to anyone before? What worked?
This is the little guy with the problem...
Thanks guys and gals!
At some point during the past two or three days, one of my bettas have developed some sort of bump on his chin. I've heard /read the symptoms before but can't locate the exact post.
At any rate, it looks very much like a nasty pimple. It's swollen and I can see some sort of white "dot" in the middle of it (under the skin) kind of like a whitehead.
I'm thinking it's either a parasite (which surprise me since I've never had anything like this) or an infection from an injury.
I'm going to be treated him with some Maracyn and hope that helps.
Has this happened to anyone before? What worked?
This is the little guy with the problem...
Thanks guys and gals!