help loosing fish as we speak

Aug 16, 2007
Terre Haute IN
ok so i started my tank out about a month and a half ago, up till recently i have had no problems...but in the last two weeks i have lost 3 alge eaters (replaced after one would die), 2 dalmation mollies and today after a 25% water transfer 2 neon tetras...i cant figure out why...i took my water to get tested and they said it was fine! *ALL* i found the tetras and one mollie had been stuck to the filter dead...i also noticed totay i had some sort of mold (at least it looks like mold) on the buddah statue i put in the tank, and i kind of think thats what is killing the alge eaters...any help!! PLEASE!!! thanks!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the site :)

Sorry you're having problems. My guess on the "fungus" on the statue is that it's some uneaten food. When you do a water change, are you also vacuuming the gravel? What size tank is it, and what are all the fish you have?

Aug 16, 2007
Terre Haute IN
I have a 30 Gallon Tank and at the begining i had

1 cory catfish
2 rosy barbs
2 neon tetras
2 dalmation mollies
1 goldfish
at the most at one time 2 alge eaters
but i have gone trough 4 alge eaters

Now i have
1 cory catfish
2 rosy barbs
1 golfish
1 golden alge eater

and yea i used my roommates suction vaccum to clean up the gravel

any ideas whats going on?

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
Visit site
not that this is the reason for your problem, but you shouldn't have a goldfish (coldwater) in a tropical tank. Where did you get your water tested? How did you cycle it before? When you put your hands in the tank do you wash them before, because if so the anti-bacterial soap can kill the beneficial bacteria in your tank, throwing it out of whack. If you are worried about the statue, take it out, and see if that makes a difference.

Aug 16, 2007
Terre Haute IN
the only thing i noticed about the goldfish is it tends to eat quicker than the the other fish...i get my water tested at Atlantus Aquatics which is a aquarium store here in Terre Haute, and no i figured if i washed my hands the chemicals from the soap would be damaging to the tank.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
what tests did they run on water specifically? Need to check ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I know it has been a month and a half but your tank could be completing your cycle now tanks vary on timeline for complete cycle. Also did you recently clean any decorations or filters with tap water? do you add stress coat or water conditioner to remove chlorine and stuff from tap water? There has to be something with water quality if you are losing different species daily and don't see symptoms of diseases. My guess is tank still cycling or bleach got into water somehow.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
You're going to need to take a sample of your water back to the fish store and get some numbers from their readings. Don't let them just tell you the water is "fine." If it's only been set up for a month and a half, it is likely it is still cycling. Take the sample in, have them write down the exact numbers, and post those numbers back up here.

In the meantime, I would do a large water change (50-75%) and take out any new ornaments or statues you have recently put in the tank.

Aug 16, 2007
Terre Haute IN
Everything seems to have returned to normal, i havent lost any fish to random reasons, i have had 2 killed by my rosey barbs but thats about it

i have recently added some new fish in and other than the rosey barb incident everything seems to be going fine! thanks for all your help



MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
I would still suggest you do as they suggested- get another test done and post up the numbers. That way you can have about 20 different people look at the numbers and let you know if things really are ok :)

Good ot hear though.