help me! i need a peacfull tank


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok some time this week or next i am going to be getting a new 29 gallon tank and i was wondering what i could do for the filter system i am useing an underground a power filter (rated for 15 gallon tank, also a dueto in tank power filter(20 gallon) and then eventually geting power heads and plants as for fish rite now i have some rosy barbs(2) and soem iredecent sharks(2) and a pleco the barbs are mean to my sharks every once in a while but i need more barbs for them to school and i need them to play nice  i would also like to know what snall fish i could put in their that the barbs wouldent bother let me knwo what you guys think thanx Dave

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You need to pick which fish you want. The rosys can get over 5 inches. You do need a few more to make them happier. I found rosys are not as mean to fish as other barbs, but in a 20 with only 2, I suppose they could be. I dont think your pleco is getting after your sharks.

Your irradescent sharks are nervous, and eventually get large. So you need to decide, a pack of barbs, or your irr sharks to stay. If you want peace, I wouldn't keep those 2 barbs in with the sharks in that tank..but that is my opinion.