help me learn about my new fish


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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I am getting a free tank (I have seen it all set up and will be moving it myself, no leaks or anything). Along with it I am getting two, what I believe are severum. Right now the person who has the tank doesn't take care of it and the water is so cloudy, I have no idea if they really are severum or what. I have never had these fish(though I am sure that is what they are), ANY advice would be wonderful. They are well established fish already. If anyone would like to pass on helpful hints or whatever, that would be wonderful, thank you!!!!

Jun 15, 2004
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Violet, could you tell give us a bit more info,
like the size of the tank you are getting and
how you intend to move it and the sevs,
the distance you are moving would also be of help
to anyone giving you advise on the task at hand.
As for the severums they are a hardy fish, and should
be ok with the move.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Severums.....good fish. Both in looks and personality. I'd like to know what size tank too. As these fish can attain a large size. They come in 3 "strains" or color forms. Green, Gold, and Turquoise (rarer of the 3). They may munch on plants you have in watch that. They can be housed with other larger, non aggressive to simi aggressive tankmates. They like their veggies.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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Okay, I have my tank set up, fish are in. They were only in the apartment building across from me, so short trip. I know I will not be able to keep them, I'm not sure how big the tank is, but not big enough. I just need to know how to take care of them until I can find them a home. They are green severum, and both are about 8". They are beautiful. And now that they are in a healthy tank, hopefully they will be better. They look a little beat up, no wonder considering the water conditions they were in. The water was so bad, that you could only see the fish if they were about an inch from the glass. They had no colour, just all grey. Their colour is beautiful now after only a couple of hours. So if you guys could help me with their care until they go to a bigger home, they and I would thank you.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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Fairly peacefull - can nip plant stems in half just for the fun of it - full grown is around 10 inches - do better in pairs - can be territorial when nesting, so keep with smaller, faster fish.

As you've seen, they can put up with a fair range of conditions, but the fins and colouring will show how well they're cared for. I think they live around 10 years, and will take most foods readily.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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Thanks guys. Right now they are in a 20/25 gallon tank, I got them that way. The poor guys. There are two of them and they are 8". I am so sorry that I can't keep them. I just want to make sure I take care of them properly until I can find them a home, I have had them only a couple of days and I love them already!!!!