HELP ME, My fish is ill!!!


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
Help, I have a big problem, My silve molly is acting strange,

Yesturday I noticed she had a black head, and her top fin is starting to go black aswell, She was folding herself in half and swimming upside down, the other fish were having a go at her,
so i moved her into our smaller tank we prepared for the new babies, I have added some salt, and watched her for a few hours, she seemed to be getting better, she was swimming normal, and her head was going back to silver again,
I got up this morning and she is laying on the bottom of the tank, and not really swimming around, her head is also going black again,
I dont know whats wrong, she isnt pregnant, as she hasnt got a large tummy, she just isnt her normal self, she doesnt seem to be bothered by food, she waits for the food to sink top her, whereas she would normally be up the top to get it.

The fish in the large tank are all ok, and swimming n eating great, They all look healthy, I have had a water test done at a pet store a few weeks ago, and they told all was great. I am going to buy a new tester kit tonight as I have run out of our strips we were using.

Please help me!! I dont want her to die if I can save her!!!


Last edited:
Feb 27, 2009
The water parameters could have changed a lot in a few weeks. How long has the tank been set up? Was it fully cycled before adding the molly?

Other than keeping her quiet, keeping the water she's in clean and well aerated, giving her something to hide behind/under to make her feel safe being alone, and feeding lightly, I don't think there is much more you could do for her. If she has had damage due to an ammonia and/or nitrite spike in the main tank, it may be too late. I sure hope not, for both of you. :(

Watch the others for the same signs and if you can't get the water tested quickly, I'd do large water changes with dechlorinated water until you get the test done, just to be safe.


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
thank you for reply,
i've had the tank since begining of oct last year i added her 2 weeks ago. The other fish are all good.
She can't seem to swim straight or the correct way up. Could she have a tumour?? I have read that their heads turn black, n become unable to swim due to nerves being cut off. I cant test water till later, getting a test when i finish work.

I had lost two fish when i first set up my tank due to ammonia, n they didnt act like this, they could breathe very well, n they laid on the gravel, without moving, she seems to want to swim but cant swim straight, n then lays down.


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
can i treat this??
I've put a chemical in her water to kill any bacteria that maybe in the water..
We got given this when we had a big problem few months back with fish we bought from pets at home, we bought 4 fish and lost two due to fin rot. But save the others with this chemical, i think its called general tonic by tetra.


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
Hi, I have tested the water for ammonia levels, as thats all the fish store had today, they heave ordered me a full test kit, which should arrive tomorrow, but i have to take water in to store incase, it doesnt arrive,
So my ammonia is 0. So i know this is good.
All my other fish are doing great, but I think she is getting worse,
She now has a black streak all the way down her back, her head is starting to go clear, meaning i can see through it almost.
Please help, I really like this fish and dont want her to die.
She still shows no signs of bloating or becoming skinny, so I really am stuck,
I am having to take her out of the tank, n putting her into a tub to get her to feed, she wont go to the top to eat, She looks like she has no control over her body at all.


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010

Thank you for your help, she had whirling disease, which is from tubiflex worms, they carry parasites, and she ate a bad one, which started to kill her brain off, which is nasty to watch, but she died yesturday orning, I had told her that night that I was going to put her to sleep forever in the morning if she didnt get better or die, so she died in the night or early hours in the morning.

thank you very much for your help.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yes, it's always very tragic...
this is a reason why I stay away from live tubufex...I only feed freeze-dried tubifex that has no possibility of disease. I don't trust frozen tubifex california blackworms are a safer alternative (but need to be fed sparingly, becuase overfeeding with those WILL cause dropsy :( )


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
I thought I'd let you know, I have feed my fish freeze-dried, and thats where my problem was!! so be careful, because the parasites can still live in the worms, or so i am told. :(