Help me please


New Fish
Apr 6, 2010
i have a tank that i have struggled with for the past 6 months keeping the water right, i decided to do a major clean and think i have really stuffed it. i emptyed three quarters of the water out of the tank removed live rock and cleaned tank thoroughly. then re filled. now the tank has got green thick algie looking growing every where. what do i do any sugestions will be greatfull.*SICK*


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Give the pros in here a little to work with. Tell them a bit about your tank, size of the tank, what kind of lights are you using, what kind of a skimmer if any, are you using RO/DI water, how many and what kind of power heads are you using. The more you tell them the better they will be able to get you going on the right track.