Help me save Gravity, my plecostamus


New Fish
Sep 21, 2012
I've had the same 55 gal. tank and the same two fish (1 Oscar and 1 Pleco) for 5 years and have not changed my routine care of them in any way. My pleco is now floating upside down, bloated with air at the surface of the tank. He can't stay down. Is ther anything I can do to save him and does anyone know what's wrong with him? Suze

Feb 27, 2009
Hello suze - Sorry to hear of your troubles.

Is the sick fish eating? If so, I would give him shelled peas to help if its constipation.

Two such large fish in a 55 gallon tank can quickly cause water parameter issues. I would test the water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and then do a 50% water change.

Please keep us posted.