Help Me Save My Betta!!!!


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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I have a male betta that is not doing so well. I have had him over six months (can't remember exactly how long) and he was healthy for ages. About a month ago he started looking badly. I have tried various meds, but to no avail. Right now he is skinny and he doesn't have his fins out and is listless. He has a little cave thing he lives in and would always come out for food, now he rarely comes out. I feed a mix of three different types of betta pellets and bloodworms. I have been giving him more bloodwroms lately. Any suggestions? Please help, I love him dearly and he is beautiful. He is basically brown with some blue and while this would not be a colouring that would make most people stand up and yell "I want him!", I find him truly gorgeous. He is in a small tank by himself, not a bowl, with some live plant and a snail. HELP!!!!