Hello! I joined this board last week, and have truly enjoyed reading all the post. I can see there are many people here with great ideas and knowledge of fish keeping. I would like to pick your brains and get some creative ideas from other members here. Let me start by saying I already have a 29g, freshwater tank, and have been very fortunate to have had great luck with it. It is 18 months old now, and thriving. It is decorated much like a pond or river bottom, with lite gravel, many plants, etc. I am now in the process of setting up a 55g, which will be placed between my living and dining rooms, which presents the first area I need suggestions for. Obviously, there will be no background, as the tank will be viewed from both sides. It is being built into an area with little traffic, and my fiancee' is building a great cabinet to set it on. I have a cannister filter, which will be underneath. So, number one, how can I hide the tubes, and equipment, or at least make them appear less noticible? Now on to another thought..I really would like to set up a false reef type of decor, with a dark substrate.I already have 35 lbs of a dark marine blue gravel, and was thinking of mixing it with black. Any other ideas? I went to a local LFS which deals only with fish, and the clerk there said I can put real, live coral in my freshwater tank. I had always thought this was not a good thing. He says it would help keep my PH at a good level. Any thoughts on this? Btw, I saw Shauna's freshwater reef in the top tanks and loved it! I was glad to see my idea wasn't so far off the wall. So, all you imaginative people out there, share your thoughts and ideas with me, please! I want something different than my other tank. Oh, and another question, is dead coral ok to use? And what does it look like? Thanks for taking the time to read all this!