So I recently setup a 29g tank after not keeping fish for a while and I am glad to be back. But I have no idea what to do for the actual fish. This is a picture so that you can see what my tank looks like and what fish would like the setup I made. 16.47.46.jpg
Without doing any research, I think I would like a large school neon/cardinal tetras, a school of 5 or 6 corys and then one or two dwarf gourami. Or possibly switch something up to include 3 silver dollars? Would this make a good tank? What other suggestions do you guys have?
I would also like to get 1 or 2 ghost shrimps and maybe a dwarf afican fog in there too
What I basically want is a peaceful community tank with fish that swim at different levels and have vibrant colors. Or would a semi-aggressive tank be better for what I want to do?
TIA 16.47.46.jpg
Without doing any research, I think I would like a large school neon/cardinal tetras, a school of 5 or 6 corys and then one or two dwarf gourami. Or possibly switch something up to include 3 silver dollars? Would this make a good tank? What other suggestions do you guys have?
I would also like to get 1 or 2 ghost shrimps and maybe a dwarf afican fog in there too
What I basically want is a peaceful community tank with fish that swim at different levels and have vibrant colors. Or would a semi-aggressive tank be better for what I want to do?
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