Help me stock my tanks

Oct 22, 2008
Okay, I am looking into getting some more fish. I just set up my 55 gallon last week and it is doing so well. I moved my fish from a 20 to a 55. Anyway, I am looking into possibly two more fish for my 55 gallon (not sure how many is best) and not sure what to do with my 20. Please look at my sig to see what I already have.

Any suggestions for me? I was thinking of getting another blood parrot and a striped severum. But silver dollars seem cool too. What do you think?

What about the 20? I'd really like this tank to be for the kids so cheap hardy fish are probably best for them. What can I mix with the Platies?


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
well IMO you are full stocked on your 55, with atleast 3 of your current fish being capable of growing up to 12in in length your bioload in a 55 is going to be heavy.

for your 20G you can go with any community fish just try to follow the 1in per galoon rule, beware that your platies may begin to breed if you have males and females and can quickly overstock your tank on their own. I would stay away from anymore livebearers though, A dwarf gourami maybe a good "center piece" and will most likely get along fine with your current fish.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I would go for a nice bottom feeder for your 20 too, pref. ones that don't get too big. Corys are cool if you get 3 of those, or a couple of skunk loaches. A bn pleco might be nice too a lot of people seem to like those