Help me with buying a tank and supplies

Aug 10, 2006
Hi, I am new to your forums. I need help purchasing all I need to start a tank for my girls. I would like to get a hexagon tank. I was looking at this one at petsmart:
PetSmart - SeaClear(TM) 20 Gallon Hexagon Tanks
What things do I need? Can anyone suggest the right.....Filter and heater for this tank? Do I need a start up product for the water too?
Thanks for your help! Any other tips you have would be great!

Hello and Welcome to the TANK.....
One of the best things you can do for being new to Aquariums and Fishkeeping is to read all the stickies in the freshwater beginner's forum.
There are alot of great people on this Forum who are more then willing to help you. Any questions, dont hestitate to ask... GOOD LUCK!!*SUNSMILE*

As for what equipment you will need, depends on the size of Tank,Stock and Such. With that tank that you posted above... I personally would not get it. Fish prefer to more swimming space then what the Hex tank can provide. A good size to start with would be 25 g to 30 g long. Or get as big a tank that you can afford. They are easier to care for then a smaller one. You have more room for error then a smaller tank, believe it or not. First decide on what you can afford, then we will help you out from that starting point.

Last edited:
Aug 4, 2006
Well, you'll definitely need a filter and heater. For the filter, its best to overfilter the water, so look for one that is rated for twice your tank size, atleast. For the heater, you should go with 5 watts per gallon, so it you get a 20g tank, get a 100w heater. I like the ones that are submersible and let you set the temperature. My favorite brand is Visi-therm Stealth, but any brand will work. There are many choices for filters. Most people use HOB (hang on back) filters like Aquaclear, Penguin, Whisper. My favorite is Aquaclear.
If your local fish store (LFS) has good prices on equipment, get it there. If not, I like Big Al's Online. I buy most of my supplies there or at Drs Foster and Smith.
Other things you need are some dechlorinator (water conditioner), nets, gravel/substrate, background, and plants (live or fake).

I agree about hex tanks...they just don't have enough swimming room. Fish swim horizontally, so a long tank is better. Hex tanks are taller, so really are only for a few fish in a show tank or a pair of angels...not much else. You can probably get a bigger tank that is long for about the same price as a 20g hex...bigger is better. Go for a long tank over a tall one. Hex tanks have limited room, so that means less fish. :)

Welcome to the site! I'll warn you, this is an addicting hobby!

*Oh, and definitely read the will tell you alot and hopefully keep you from making alot of mistakes!*