help me

Jul 1, 2008
Im new here and need help. I have a 14 gallon biocube. For several months I have noticed some small worms in my tank living in my live rock. At first I thought they were baby feather dusters because they appeared a few weeks after my feather dusters died. But now Im not sure. They dont have the plumes and I have notice alot of debris around the base of the rocks. They only come out when the lights are off and when I turn the light on they hide inside the rocks. They are about 4-6 inches long, about 1/8 inch in diameter, smooth and grey in color. If anyone can give me a suggestion as to what they are please help me.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
first of let me say welcome to MFT! theres many thing they could be but i cant really tell by yur description... what do u mean by they dont have the plumes? to get a better look u can look into the tank with a red light or put something red over a flashlight (for some reason they dont see the red light ;)