
Large Fish
Aug 4, 2004
Anchorage, AK
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HELP!!!! My that I have had for almost a year since it was born has begun swimming in very tight circles upside down! Fiest it was on the bottom now he/she is at the surface. He was part of a batch of 7 fry, whom all died eventually. I noticed when he was about a month old that he was born with a curved spine. For most of his life he has maintained a very small size and a curved spine, but still managed to survive. A week ago he started swimming eratically and now he is only able to swim in a 2 inch circle upside down at the surface. Is he passed any medication or treatment? Did he finally succomb to this eventually end? He was born prematurally, I am sure, because he showed up after an ich treatment to his mom. Can anyone help him!!???? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi ed,

Sorry i can't help answer your question. Sorry to hear about your fish. I just wanted to let you know i had a little curved spine neon for more than 6mos. His spine was like an S. I was particularly fond of him because he stayed so tiny and of course he was the only one i could tell apart from all the other neons. Anyway, he just died a few days ago and i was crushed. :( No other fish have died so i can only assume it was just his time. I found him on the filter.

I've had a lot of fish die lately and after just being at my lfs and seeing all the treatments they have i think if i had it to do over i would have gone there and tried to treat some of my sick fish. Most were probably not treatable but i think a couple had something that i could have at least tried.

Good luck.

May 18, 2005
Pacific Northwest
unfortunately, if it is dropsy it will more than likely die... Very very rarely do dropsy victims survive. I had a tank with mollys and swordtails at one point and all my mollies came down with dropsy and died.. However, one of my swordtails (scarlet) came down with it as well and she is the only one that has survived it and is still thriving and doing great... Even had a batch of fry recently.
I don't know if this helps you out or not, but even with the proper treatment, I don't think your molly will survive if it is in fact dropsy =(



Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I honestly treat most of my sick fish by carefully draining out about 2 cups of tank water into a small plastic bowl. Then I gently net the sick fish out and place him in the bowl. I promptly rinse the net out to minimize the chances of spreading disease to other fish through the net. Then I put the plastic bowl with the fish still in it gently in the freezer and gently close the door. Problem solved.