Help! My Balloon Molly has a blister on the side of his head!

Mar 10, 2012
Am new to this forum, and hope somebody knows how to help me.

I have a lovely orange balloon molly who has grown a Huge blister on the side of her head! Any ideas on how to treat her. Have tried anti internal bacteria treatment / I've even tried anti fungal treatment all to no avail.
She doesn't appear to be suffering with it though, she swims ok, socialises ok, feeds ok, sees ok. she just has this huge unsightly blister like growth on the side of her head.

All advice gratefully received. All the other fish in the tank are ok, 17 in total in a 260 litre tank. Water conditions are reading fine, so no prob there. How can I help her?




Feb 27, 2009
The balloon version of the molly is an inbred deformed fish and often does not have the best immune system.

Could you post a picture of the 'blister' and also your readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Also, what are the 17 tankmates? What temperature is the aquarium kept at and how long has it been set up?