HELP! My Betta is freaking out constantly


Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada
I don't know what to do. I dropped him into a big 25G tank from a 2.5G and ever since I've noticed he spends most of his time up against the glass, sminning up and down in circles. Wasn't till recently that I noitced he can see his reflection in the glass. I think I noitced one of two scales missing on his body. His fins are tattered but I always rememebred himm to be like that. I just bought another one recently but it's in the old 2.5G bowl and he's very placid. I rememebr my first betta was not as aggresive in the smaller tank I don't know what to do.

Is this harming my fish? Is he just more aggressive than normal? Your input will be most appreciated.

25G tank

look at sig.

2.5G tank

Here's a clsoe up of "Carlito", I'm very worried, he looks stressed


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I would suggest covering the walls with some plant like structure =3 mine did that ALLLLL the time and I even got a picture of him doing it =D Marvalus to watch, but he did nip his own tail and wouldint let go Oo;; but when I covered it with a thick fleece of other fishies,=3 he still did it! Then
I put some dragon ornaments on the walls , and he played with the ornaments calmly. Most likly he thinks his parts are another betta. Or like the first post ^^ from 25 gals just for him?! I would jump around and zip flaring some fins too XD!!
Maybe swapping after you try covering the walls in some way would help. And is that a real plant in your smaller aquarium ^^ The blue one looks just like my larulo.



Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada

I've gone ahead and swapped Betta's, to see how the new bettas would react to it's new environment, and whether he would exibit the same aggressive tendancies as Carlito. He seems more mellow, but it's still early. Carlito on the other hand seems pissed.

For a whiel he kept bumping into the glass trying to push his way beyond the smaller confines. When I'm around he darts around the tank in quick bursts and will even face the glass to flare his gills.

Today I caught him sitting on the gravel motionless. It's not as warm as in the bigger tank but I'd guess it's around 72-5C. Or maybe he's depressed. Either way I don't think he's happy. But I'm planning on rotating them after every few water changes so they can share the larger tank. Sicne they can't co-exist they will have to learn to deal with this arrangement.

I could drop a few hundred more dollars on another 25G tank and equipment...but I'm saving up it for an LCD keyboard *twirlysmi


Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada
I don't know what to do...his fins are in tatters, I tapped just to get some response out of him and he jolted a few lengths. I peice of his tail tore off. I put him back in the 25G tank where it's correct temp and there more room but he's exhibiting similar dehaviour. Floats near the surface, no where near as energetic. Is he dying?



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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Bettas need a constant temperature of around 78 to 80F to be healthy and happy. If it's fluctuating or much lower, as you indicated above, you will need to get a better heater.

Also, have you tested ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?

Once you have your temp. and other water parameters under control, you can add some Melafix or Bettafix to help repair his fins.

I think it's cause your changing them around constantly, he also looks to have a slumped case of fin rot from the change in temp being so constant and going from big to small o_o ... I know from how he looks that he isint dieing incase your worried about that ^^ but rather he's pretty pissed off and it's best to put stress coat in the water for behavior help, also keep him in the same aquarium for a week with no change what so ever * even in his food* so he can get back to a normal existance for a betta. Mine always flared his gills and danced while I was around o_o thats what the picture I posted up there was from cause he spins at me. Most likly it's just a action like a female betta ^^ if I where you I would feel flattered sweetvegan lolc your big mamma fishie =3.

Afor his tail and everthing in the before and after pictures o_o Other then his bottom fin he just looks a tad clamped, but thats bound to be expected, how would you feel if you where moved from one tank to another and then another and another? It's like moving without any of your belongings four times O_O. Think of him as you would think of yourself and most likly your best conduct will help him more then anything.

Cause at the moment he looks really stressed out in that image and he just needs a staple home, and bettas do not by all meens need a 25 gal all to themselfs, even two bettas with a davider dont need more then 1 gal and a half to themselfs O_O in ether situation your bettas would both be much happier with a davider ranging from 1gal to three gal from the walls of the aquarium and on ether side so they are at least 14 gals away from eachother causeing a blind spot that they cant see eachother. Then have a school of nine or ten females in the center of the daviders but away from the males for calm relaxasion of female learing and a more less depressed lifestyle.

Buying a second 25 gal is more then extream=3 so good idea on your next saving object. I have a 1.66 gallon that a betta lived in for a long time and he was the happiest I've seen, then I have seen at many breeding places a betta with only a half gal to themselfs in Ball canning jars. So 25 gals is always abit overload for any betta O_O mine sould only use 5 % of that XD even with plants, all together you can hold with four daviders and a cener area. Anywhere from 4 males and 18 females to a 13 davided aquarium with a male and female in each davision.

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Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada
thanx for your help guys/gals?

ANyways I've made the 2.5G tank the hosptial tank...this is where Carlito will remain for the rest of his life. No more swapping. The tail rott has gottten really bad, I pickup Maracyn-Two. If this stuff works will his tail grow back? Or will it simply stop the rott?

Maracyn works great ^^ ( what you have ) My bettas tail was bad when I got him but once I got him into clean water it stoped roting, then two weeks laiter it grew at a alarming rate of a cm every four hours till he got a huge lucious blue and red vained certan of a tail *_* It was like heaven when I looked at him.

It will grow back and I'm sure if used Exactly as permited, your betta will make a full recovery =3 if I where you though, I would go out and get Maracyn one ( the earier fin rot version of yours) It comes in many different names, but topfin makes the only garentee that your fish will bounce back if you use both. I hope he'll be okay, but now that you got the toughest meds on the planet I'm sure He'll be swell if used promptly =D just dont give up on him ^^; Some bettas have such bad fine rot that it goes into a whole body rot and starts to eat away at the flesh and drill a boring hole threw his face and stomach even then useing both and a bacterial stoper, he would and should make a full recovery =D.