HELP! My Betta Is Loosing Colour!

Sep 11, 2007
For the past week I've noticed my betta has lost much of his brillant blue colour that covered his whole body--does this mean he's unhappy? He's currently in a 10G tank with 2 red platty's (one of which is expecting). Could he be trying to tell me to clean the tank or what else could be going on here? He is fed 6 Hikari bio-gold pellets a day (3 morning, 3 night). Any ideas what could be causing his colour loss?

Sep 23, 2007
I think its pretty common... I've read that in the morning Bettas are very bright and colorful but by night time their color fades... probably to camoflage from preditors. But maybe with age they fade as well.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
It could be a number of things...things to think about: age, color fades as they get older. Water changes - your water parameters could be off and stressing him out. Temperature - tropical fish color up best when kept at the best temperature (YES, bettas are tropical), you need a reliable heater that will keep the tank around 78 degrees at all times.

Sep 11, 2007
I dont think age would cause the drastic change so u dont think its because another fish is pregnant? What about ammonia or whatever its called that bettas dislike, whats that caused from?

Jul 19, 2007
ammonia occurs from waste..there should be ZERO ammonia in the water....small amounts can be often do you do water changes? these should be 25% EVERY week..this could be one of the causes for discoloration..a good quality diet aids in coloration


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Wait a minute, that fish bowl in your profile picture isn't what you're housing the platy and betta in is it?! If so, you need to get a heater, filter, and thermometer ASAP. Those fish are tropical and need proper heating and filtration. That could very well be the reason your fish is suffering.

ALSO, if you don't know what ammonia is or what causes it, that means you need to read up on cycling, ASAP. Otherwise you will soon be killing off all those fish. Please take the time to read through the link in my signature or the stickies at the top of the freshwater forum on "Cycling a tank."

Sep 30, 2007
Hey just letting you know, you feed your betta wayyyyyyyyyyy too much. He should only get like 2 pellets a day MAXIMUM. The people at an expert fish store told me you could feed them once a week or month and they'd be fine, I just care too much about mine to feed it only once a week. I feed mine 1 pellet in morning and 1 in evening.

Once a month..... I highly doubt that.

Once a week is a possibility with my job but normally he may got 3-4 days with out food.

Spike I used to feed 4 pellets ever 2 days, maybe once a day and also vary it with freeze dried blood worms.

SunSpot seems to enjoy flakes, pellets and bloodworms. So far I have been feeding him mostly flakes once a day as the minnows eat only flakes but I will also add in 4 pellets every once in a while and also blood worms too.

He pigged out tonight as I will be gone till Wednesday morning. I will add a few flakes to the tank in the AM so the minnows are ok.


Small Fish
Aug 21, 2007
regional NSW Australia
Ok its obvious that your betta is well looked after and keep feeding him what your feeding but maybe give him some variety ie. bloodworms/brine shrimp..If youve got all your water perameters under control maybe he has a parasite or worms making him go off colour but be wary about treating something if he is not unwell..We are coming into Summer weather here which means your winter have you checked your heaters are set right I know I had to turn mine down in the last few days...


Small Fish
Aug 21, 2007
regional NSW Australia
Just had to add that it is common practice for LFS to feed minimally as it means cleaner tanks for them.. But IMO if I was stuck in a tank with very little to do I think the highlight of my life would be food ...every day...twice a much as I could eat in 2 minutes and variety...with a little apple snail to clean up any sweet it is.