HELP!! My Blue's are driving me crazy :(

Aug 13, 2005
My male has become so agressive towards the females (chasing, nipping, etc.) that he has killed one blue f. already. I have one blue, and my sweet docile little honey gourami left, and he is doing the same to them. I finally took him out of my 55 gal. and put him in my 10 gal to give the girls a chance at life. Now my female blue has taken over his role and is trying to kill my honey gourami. After a day of this behavior and my poor honey acting like the blue did before she died, I removed the female blue and put her in the 10 gal tank, and of course the male is back to running her to death.
I just don't know what to do. I don't have enough tanks to keep all three seperate, and I don't want to loose any of them, especially my honey g.
Any one have any suggestions? I'm at a loss :(



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I would move the aggressor, rather than those being chased. Sometimes a few days in "solitary confinement" will calm them down. Having said that, I have found blue gouramis to be one of the meanest fish to their own kind, so he may not change.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
If you can't seperate all three of them...then you pretty much need to decide which two you want to keep and take another back to the lfs or euthanize it.

Aug 13, 2005
Lotus said:
I would move the aggressor, rather than those being chased. Sometimes a few days in "solitary confinement" will calm them down. Having said that, I have found blue gouramis to be one of the meanest fish to their own kind, so he may not change.
Well, I did move the original aggressor. But then the other female blue took up where he left off and started behaving just as aggresive. So, I put her in with him. Now she is getting abused.
And you are right, I have found blues to be the meanest to their own kind as well. These came with the tank or else I would never have bought them.

FroggyFox said:
If you can't seperate all three of them...then you pretty much need to decide which two you want to keep and take another back to the lfs or euthanize it.
Oh I would hate to euthanize it, maybe someone could give them homes. I do have a 2.5 gal tank that I could check the stats on and if they are ok I suppose I could put one of them in it till I can get to the lfs where my son in law works to trade the two of these in. I'll go check the stats on that tank.
Thanks guys!!


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
Here is an option that might help. Now, I know you dont want to do this but try tanking all the fish in your 10, put them in the 55, leave the female in there. In a couple of days take the male and put him back in the 10. Try to breed them. It might help.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
it could be possible that you had two male gouramies, the original aggressor was the dominant male in the tank, and when he left, the less dominant male took over his role, i only say this because i've never heard of a female gourami being so aggressive.