HELP! My catfish is coming up for air .


Medium Fish
Feb 13, 2011
My catfish is coming up for air constantly this morning - my other catfish are not doing this.

Recently, the one catfish got stuck on the filter but I unplugged and took out the filter and he seemed fine .... but now he is constantly going up to the top of water for air and some other fish are bugging him.

What should I do??? Help!

Feb 27, 2009
What are the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Damage to the gills caused by ammonia or nitrite poisoning can cause the gills to be less able to take in the available dissolved oxygen.

Also, what is the temperature? Higher temps hold less dissolved oxygen.

Hope he/she pulls through. If the catfish was unable to escape the inflow of the filter, it does not sound good.