help... my cory

Aug 9, 2003
Northbrook, IL
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1 of my corys is acting strange. it perches on the leaves of plants, and is a liitle darker in complexion and skinnier than his tankmate cory. I know that i feed them enough. It is breathing kid of shallow. It doesn't have any other visible symptoms. Ammonia, nitrite good. Ph 6.8-7.2. And hardness and nitrate good. I have a hospital tank, aquarium salt, and some medicine i can use if needbe. Please respond soon, so i can treat it if necessary. Thanks.

Jul 15, 2003
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Whatever you do, do not treat your cory with salt. Catfish, being without scales, are very sensitive to even the smallest amount of salt. Salt is absorbed more easily/rapidly into their system causing an electrolyte imbalance (basically dehydrates them), and this is true of Corys especially. Salt can also cause open sores to develop. Your ammonia & levels should both be 0, and your nitrates should ideally be <10. If it has no visible symptoms then I wouldn't treat it with anything. Just keep an eye on it. I don't know how long you have had this fish, but I know from personal experience and from other people that corys are far more active in groups of 3/more. Hope this helps.

Aug 9, 2003
Northbrook, IL
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I haven't used salt, but i am using some Maracyn. I did happen to find some fungus on it's belly after making that post. I put the cory in the hospital tank, and began treatment. He is still alive this morning, and is looking much better, and is swiming a bit. I do know that corys need to be in schools, but i origionally got 4 from petsmart, but 2 died. Thanks for the advice.