Help! my Gourami is sick!

Mar 18, 2003
Sussex, England
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I hope that someone here can help me.

I did a 30% water change Sunday. Monday night I discovered that one of my Gourami had what looked like mouth fungus.

I treated the water with Interpet no. 8 (anti-fungus & finrot) but I just got in & he was hiding behind the filter & there was no sign of the other male.

The ill one finally came out slowly but seemed to be unaware of things in the tank such as the thermometer & was startled when he bumped into it.

I then found the other male hiding in the corner right at the top of the tank.

Anyone got any ideas???



Jan 17, 2004
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Your best hope would probably be to get some fungus medicine and treat the water. Usually, I'd say quarantine it, but I've found that every time I do this the fish usually dies. I think netting stresses it out too much. So, last time when I had a nasty case of fin rot (all my fish that have gotten in it the past died from it) I just treated the whole aquarium. Not a speck of fungus anywhere anymore, and the swordtail's fins appear to be healing nicely. So like I say, I'd think that would be your best hope.

In case you're wondering, I used Jungle Fungus Clear tablets.