Help my Molly


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
My Yellow spotty molly gave birth yesturday, I kept an eye on her all day, she was swimming around great and seems happy, also she was eating.

I have noticed today she has a very dipped in tummy almost looks like she is sucking her tummy in, She seems to swim around in a upright position, but did this while pregnant.

can you help me please, all other fish are fine and dont seem to bother her at all. she is eating, but i'm worried she maybe on her last fins, so to speak..

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Livebearing fish like mollies often die after giving birth. Because of uncontrollable breeding, livebearers will breed too young. This affects their growth and maturity and they soon die because their bodies never fully developed.
Sadly, there is probably not much you can do.