HELP my NITRITES are through the roof


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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Hi all.

As the subject states, this is my dilema. You know on the fresh water test kits you get? Well mine are in the darkest purple, for over three weeks now.. I religiously change the water every week, I alternate between 10/20% one week then 50% the following week.. In addition I add Bio-zyme.. I am expecting 6 marimo ball plants in the next 3 days... I sincerely hope these will help..

Lancelot my betta, so far is doing extremely well in his tank, but I worry about the constant elevated levels of the nitrites... Unfortunately I don't have the test for the nitrates, I have to get one at the end of the month.:(


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Water changes will be taking the nitrates out of the water, as long as you're doing them regularly your nitrate level should be fine.

Sounds like your tank is cycling...and for the nitrites to be high for that long isn't unheard of. The water changes have been necessary to keep Lancelot healthy...but they've also slowed down the cycling process. Stress Zyme doesn't have a very good track record of actually doing anything...kinda like cycle or any other bacteria starter besides bio spira.

To fix it? Patience. There really isn't anything you can do. HOPEFULLY your tank will finish up soon, but until then it sounds like you're doing everything right :)


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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Originally posted by Papillon
Thank Goodness!! I am using bio-zyme and stress coat and aging my water!!!
You should never depend on chemicals to fix a tanks problems cuz most of them dont work or work as good as they claim. Most problems are fixed by water changes unless its sickness.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by Papillon
I am not, I have what I have... I am thinking of getting the system 6 eclipse series, I think I will be boring and put goldfish in there, but I don't know how many....
You don't have to be boring with a 6 gal eclipse. You could do a lot with a 6 gal. I'm gonna have 4 cories and a couple cherry barbs in my 6 gal eclipse. Or may some neon tetras instead of the cherry barbs. Or some danios. Or some harlequins. Or maybe an oscar....

Here is a good list from one thread I had seen:

Also, it sounds like your tank is moving along like it should....slowly but surely. If you can find some bio-spira, then I would use that. Bio-spira really works.