help my sick goldfishes

May 10, 2011
Hi thre
i have a question to expertise/aquarists through this problem of fresh water that i have a goldfish who remains at the top at water plate while others fishes are resting down or in still position, it comes down to suck gravel but it also usually goes up automatically looks it doesnt want to go. theres white skin at its top fin since i bought it but recovering as before, sometimes look that it has problem in swimming and forcing itself to swim, not comfortly like other fishes, i m feding it peas now ..plz help on this
And second fish is my black moor rests down on gravel most of the time and comes up only when i feed it, it rotated it self three or four days before i fed it than i put some salt in aquarium so it looked better but again same. i m now using peas to feed it in separate breeders net as before i put peas in auqarium but eaten by other fishes now i m feeding spearately and it looking better than before, now a days when i m opening my power filter (spong) it gets down and if its off than it comes to normal swim lil bit curved whiles swim slowly, so any help to remain better position and future care about fishes .
goldfish picture: ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
blackmoor: ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
my aquarium is about 3ftby 2ft by 15inch (how much gallon i dont no exactly may be about 40 or 50)
i weekly change water about 25%
i also used Oxy-Cure named product in the tank for this issue suggested by aquarium sellers here.
for water quality i use methalyne blue, water cleaner weekkly, rid all General Aid weekly
and monthly antichlorine.
i have 2 undergravel filters, a bubble tube and a power filter which is 1400 litres perhour filtration.
as i searched that goldfish should be feed at 2 minutes period and i feed them 2 times a day and put that food in water before feeding them.
i use bloodworms ,flakes and c.p mix diet.. could u suggest how much quantity do i use or what food?
ill be thankful
any other information u require so ill tell.
i ve already asked some expert but didnt satisfy me and answered in way to just pass
plz help coz i m new and this hobby had one month.
link to vdo: YouTube - Fish Aquarium, Hyderabad, Pakistan.mp4


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I watched your video on YouTube and that is a beautiful tank, but it looks to me like a lot of fish even for that size aquarium. Do you test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? What temperature to you keep the water at? I also wonder with that many fish whether lack of oxygen could be a problem. Wish I could be more helpful, those are very pretty fish!

Nov 5, 2009
i think my goldfish had the same problem as the first one you described. it turned out just to be constipation. i switched its food and the problem cleared right up. start feeding that one peas as well and it should clear up in a day or two. your feeding amount sounds good. a varied diet and as much as the fish will eat in 2 or 3 minutes. i usually only feed once a day but others may have a different opinion on that.

May 10, 2011
thyra i dont have water test kit rite now and its difficult for availablity but ill get it from another city as soon as i could, temperature about 90 F ,32 C. thanks alot.!!

May 4, 2011
thyra i dont have water test kit rite now and its difficult for availablity but ill get it from another city as soon as i could, temperature about 90 F ,32 C. thanks alot.!!
Goldfish in 90F water? That sounds incredibly high to me. The water is likely way too high and that may be part of your problem. In my tank I kept the water around 78 and my glofish/cory would stay at the top and were not very active, after lowering it to 74 they seem much better. I though goldfish were coldwater and could survive as low as 60F and up to 75F. Then again I don't own any goldfish.

Nov 5, 2009
a question about temperature: here in ct it gets into the upper 90's and sometimes the low 100's in the summer. surely the goldfish can handle it because people have outdoor ponds and lakes with native carp and such. or can they only survive it temporally, like a defense mechanism, until the water cools down again?


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; A distant memory from limnology classes in the late 70's tells me that ponds do not get quite as warm as the air temp and that a good farm pond has at least one area fifteen feet or more deep. The fish can survive by staying in the deeper protions in summer and winter
Do not know about the smaller goldfish ponds folks have in the yard. I suspect they need to run some sort of aeriation and have seen partial shading on a few.
Do not know from experience if they can take warmer temps for a brief periods.