Help needed - neon tetra / red wag platy

If anyone can help me shed light on my issues, they'd be much appreciated.

For Christmas, my mother and sister in law decided to buy us a tropical fishtank so we thought this would be something new to get usedo. So, on the eve of December 21st, my sister in law (who knows about fish) set up our tank with the solution etc to ensure neutral water for Christmas Eve when she would bring us a fish.

After treating the water till Sunday 23rd, we received our first fish - a pleco loach. This loach is going well and has a piece of bogwood that he has claimed as his own. On Thursday 27th December I went to a 'reputable' fish shop and bought 9 plants, 3 red wag platies and 6 neon tetra. Arriving home, we put the plants in around the bogwood. Then proceeded to let the fish in. All was fine until Saturday morning and 2 tetra were dead! We put it down to a bully in the shoal but weren't certain. As it was still within 48hours guarantee, I took it back and got 2 more. Upon going home I was told a third had died. I put the new ones in and later that day another had died! So I rang the shop and they advised to come in and bring the bully one in alive. This we did and got 3 more replacements. Since then, everything is fine.,. Maybe a bit of chasing and rebutting, but they're alive!

All through this, the platies have been fine and one even gave birth!! (I still have one surviving fry in the tank!) Until yesterday, one of the platies was inside a castle ornament and wouldn't come out for ages and another was near the temperature probe just staying there. I had my concerns but left it. This morning, the one that was in the castle has turned up dead with no red scales at all! The third platy seems fine and actually looks pregnant but have to wait and see. I wish to add that the healthy plump one is the only one looking regularly.

So my question for help is:
Why have they died?
Am I doing something wrong?
Have I mixed the wrong type of fish together?

Some info for you:
Marina tropical 60 fish tank with filter and cartridges with it
Temperature steady at 24degrees Celsius
All water tests, both in house and at shop show neutral and healthy ph levels
Was feeding flakes every 2 days due to the volume of plants they can eat from but they all showed hunger so resorted to feeding very little amounts every morning.

Would appreciate any help :)

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Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Was the tank cycled? What are your water readings for nitrate, nitrite and ammonia?
Just to confirm your tank is 60 litres (about 16 gallons)?
Also I'm unfamiliar with a pleco loach. Could you post a picture of the fish?

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