Help needed on placing new fish.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK
Hello fist of like the new posting thread i haven't been on for a few months.

ok my problem.

i have a about a 20Gallon (long ) fish tank with.
1 Bosmani Rainbow ( did have 2)
3. Red Rainbow
1. Black widdow
2. Twig Catfish
1. shrimp ( 2 jumped the tank)
1. bunble bee
2. (but only seen one the last couple of days) Cories
1. baby catish who is doing very well.

AND the accused problem fish
1 x Upsidedown catfish (jet black and very nice looking)

the problem i have is at night i can hear the fish fighting jumping up and out the walter. like a fish is chasing them. and they are also missing a little of there back fins (the rainbows) the reason i think that it is the upside down is that hes the only big fish in hes only comes out when its dark. ?? could it be him and if so im getting rid of him. also i cant seem to add any new fish because they also see to die over night. is it him??????



Small Fish
Nov 12, 2002
Visit site

I have never known an upside down cat to be that aggressive. On the other hand my experience with upside down cats is limited to a buddy of mine having one so I can't rule him out completely. I think the more likely harrasser (is that a word?) is your bumble bee... they are notorious for eating (and trying to eat) other fish. The catfish rule of thumb def. applies to them: if they can fit it in their mouth expect it to be gone in the morning. Well, maybe that isn't everyone's rule of thumb... but it works well for me lol