LOL well, thank you very much!
Can you get some pics of the severums? Then you can get them sexed and see what's going on. It may be a case of a pair forming and becoming sexually mature, or it may be a case of two females, one of which is mature and laying eggs even without a mate present. Either way, if they're white, they're infertile and rotting, so its a no-go this time around.
Assuming you have a pair though, they'll keep it up and get it right soon. The JD could be a problem if you're hoping to raise them up, as it will be on the hunt for eggs and fry. The parents may not be able to stand up to him for too long, especially when the fry become free-swimming and start roaming around. It would be best to remove the fry once they become free-swimming and can survive without the parents present, and raise them in a separate tank where they won't be in danger of getting chomped on