HELP NEEDED possible babies

My severums appear to have made eggs or something Im at a loss as to what to do I do have a empty twenty gallon fully cycled. Help Help Help They are now hovering around a rock that has all these white round things on them What should I do. They are very agresive right now! My tank is overstocked to the maximum its been that way for along time and water quality is good. What should I do


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Well, the good news is, you don't have to do anything ;) The bad news is, the reason you don't have to do anything is because nothing will come of it (this time).

White eggs mean they are unfertilized and rotting. Healthy, fertilized eggs will be a browny-tan colour. In a couple days, you'll go check on them and the eggs will be missing.

In the future though, if they spawn successfully...what you should do depends on the situation. What else is in the tank, and how big is the tank?

Ok its a 70 gallon it has
1 Pikosumus <--- if you spell this right your fish will perish
2. San Raphael Catfish
3. One lonely tiger barb
4. Jack Dempsey Cichlid
5 Big full grown Severum Sex Uknown and one half the big ones size sex unkown
6.2 gouramis

Alot i know but they have done great for years now!

Ok now the eggs I think are very very new like from today.

Oh by the way You are Very Pretty top 100 ive seen

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Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
LOL well, thank you very much! :eek:

Can you get some pics of the severums? Then you can get them sexed and see what's going on. It may be a case of a pair forming and becoming sexually mature, or it may be a case of two females, one of which is mature and laying eggs even without a mate present. Either way, if they're white, they're infertile and rotting, so its a no-go this time around.

Assuming you have a pair though, they'll keep it up and get it right soon. The JD could be a problem if you're hoping to raise them up, as it will be on the hunt for eggs and fry. The parents may not be able to stand up to him for too long, especially when the fry become free-swimming and start roaming around. It would be best to remove the fry once they become free-swimming and can survive without the parents present, and raise them in a separate tank where they won't be in danger of getting chomped on ;)