Help needed with new fry


Small Fish
Mar 28, 2005
My Peacock was holding fry and I got a 10 gallon tank set up for her. Today I wanted to transfer her over to the 10 g. tank and in the process she spit her fry. I moved her back to the main tank but now I have fry in the 10g. tank and they still have the egg sack on them. This is my first time and I just dont know what I should do. Will they be alright in the 10g. swimming on the bottom or should I put them in one of those nets? Also, since they still have the yolk sack, I assume I should not feed them until that is gone, right?
Thanks for any help you can offer


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Normaly its best to leave fry that young with the mother untill the yolk sacs are gone. I figure you know this already, just letting those who don't know.

Now are the fry the only ones in the 10? If so,then they should be fine in the tank. If there is anything else that could eat them, then I would say another tank or a breeder net is your best option. And you are right about the food. The sac should feed them for a while, and once its gone you can start to feed them.