Help Needed...


Small Fish
Nov 5, 2012
Islamabad, Pakistan
Dear All Seniors
pelase help me identify these fish...i got them as a present but dont know their type. the silver one and the ones with voilet and silver bodies... please identify these so that i can take better care of them...also some fresh pictures of my tank for your review... :) DSC_0613.jpg DSC_0616.jpg DSC_0632.jpg DSC_0515.jpg DSC_0520.jpg


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
I'm no fish expert, but...

Grey, skinny fish: no idea, I'll look in my fish book, later..
Grey-purple fish: some sort of tetras? They have the same sort of body shape.

Wait for other replies. I am not very experienced with fish, but that's just what they look like to me. I'll look through my fish book later to try to match pics.

You know what the others are, right? :p

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
The purple lined fish is a painted tetra - I think a white skirt tetra dyed with purple.
Silver fish - I am guessing some kind of algae eater, depending on what his mouth looks like. He looks kinda like a gold algae eater but silver. Or something in the "shark" group.

Before I read your post fully, I thought you were also asking to ID the goldfish... ;)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Are these fish all in one tank? Remember you have both cold water fish and tropicals. Gold fish are cold water fish and do not do well in water the temps necessary for tropicals.


Small Fish
Nov 5, 2012
Islamabad, Pakistan
Thank you all for your comments...yes i also got suspicious about the platy getting pregnant *SUNSMILE*...plz tell me when should i expect the off springs and how should i take care of her and the newcomers...?

@ Thyra...yes all these are in one tank...please tell me which ones to separate...i had the common gold fish and koi's since two months or so in this...the tetras and the platys i got last week and are in the same tank...i have another empty tank which i can setup for the tropical give me some pointers for the pregnant platys plz...*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
The goldfish and koi are considered cold water fish and do best at temps in the 60s to low 70s where as tropical fish need temps over 75 to about 82. I wouldn't do anything about pregnant platys - just have plenty of hiding places for the fry. Some will survive. Fake or live plants work well and there are also some moss or leafy fake mats you can buy where they can hide.


Small Fish
Nov 5, 2012
Islamabad, Pakistan
I've made a breeding net box myself and separated the platy from far she's been in there for two days...acting normal...also put some fake plants in there later so that the fry can hide somewhere...when can i expect them... ??

IMG_20130105_171649.jpg IMG_20130105_171659.jpg
IMG_20130105_171709.jpg IMG_20130105_171719.jpg


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
You never know when exactly they'll drop. I have been watching one of my mollies for weeks, but she just keeps on growing! I keep saying, 'she will have them within the next couple days', but a week later, nothing. She has gotten to the point where I really don't see how she can stretch any more, and she looks like she has swallowed a marble, but she is only 1 1/2 inches long! I really want the babies to come, but I have learned to wait. She SHOULD have them anytime, but it could be a couple of weeks before she finally drops! :p I hope not!


Small Fish
Nov 5, 2012
Islamabad, Pakistan
Sad news...i've lost my baby seems like the net of the breeding box that i made was not tight in the evening i saw my pregnany platy and its seemed thin...couldnt see any fry...then i started observing her and she really looked really thin like a normal male body...sometime later my wife saw her dropping a fry and immeadiately a bigger fish outside the net tried to bite it...i couldnt but i think i got sucked through the net into the goldfish's mouth. i added another net partition between the fish and waited for an hour or so but she did not lay any other...very sad moment for me...she couldnt have eaten all the fry herself because i kept feeding her but i think the other fish coudnt resist the temptation and sucked them out of the net... :(


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
The net shouldn't have big enough holes for the fry to get through. I have a breeder net that you can't get anything through the holes except for the water. Can you get a pic of the net with something to compare the hole size to?


Small Fish
Nov 5, 2012
Islamabad, Pakistan
These are the pics from sunday when i installed the net box inside the tank...the net was good enough for separation...apparently it wasnt good enough to hold the fry safely very depressed....coundnt even see one fry bieng laid myself... :(

IMG_20130105_171719.jpg IMG_20130105_171649.jpg IMG_20130105_171659.jpg IMG_20130105_171709.jpg

Feb 27, 2009
Sad news...i've lost my baby seems like the net of the breeding box that i made was not tight in the evening i saw my pregnany platy and its seemed thin...couldnt see any fry...then i started observing her and she really looked really thin like a normal male body...sometime later my wife saw her dropping a fry and immeadiately a bigger fish outside the net tried to bite it...i couldnt but i think i got sucked through the net into the goldfish's mouth. i added another net partition between the fish and waited for an hour or so but she did not lay any other...very sad moment for me...she couldnt have eaten all the fry herself because i kept feeding her but i think the other fish coudnt resist the temptation and sucked them out of the net... :(
I have never understood the 'breeding nets' and why so many use them. If there are fish in the main tank, they will want to eat the fry. Newborn fry do not have a functional swim bladder, so will sink to the bottom if not in constant motion. They must rest, so they will sit on the bottom of the net to rest at times. If the fish outside the net see the fry resting on the bottom, they will try to eat them through the net. Even if the holes on the net are small, the suction of the larger fish's mouth will break apart the fry's body easily.

If you want to use the nets, its best to put something on the bottom (a handful of gravel perhaps) for the fry to escape from the other fish. Normally, you will have more luck saving fry by putting the pregnant livebearer into its own separate tank and provide lots of cover (live or fake plants, rock piles, etc) and remove her after she gives birth.


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
Normally, you will have more luck saving fry by putting the pregnant livebearer into its own separate tank and provide lots of cover (live or fake plants, rock piles, etc) and remove her after she gives birth.
This is what I'm doing! Sorry to hijack the thread, but no one has replied and I can't get the pics online again until who knows when. Can someone take a look at the last post that I put about my pregnant fish? Thanks!