HELP!!! newbie here

Feb 22, 2011
Hi all,
first off this is my first tank that i have ever set up. I followed the instructions that came with my 5 gallon tank. I filled it up with tap water and added a 1/2 table spoon of the water conditioner, let the water cycle for 24 hrs and then i added fish. then i added fish 1 angel fish and 4 neon tetras. I left them in the baggies in the tank for 20 mins before opening the bag. the tetras all died within 2 hrs. and the angel fish lasted about 8 hrs. what did i do wrong and what do i need to do before i can add fish again. thanks in advance.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Hi David,

Welcome to MFT!

Several things were wrong off the bat.

1. A 5 gallon tank shouldn't have an angel fish in it. It's just too small for them.
2. You didn't cycle the tank for 24 hours unless you added Tetra Safe Start as your "water conditioner". What was the water conditioner you used.
3. A 5 gallon tank is also pretty cramped for 4 neon tetras.
4. A 5 gallon tank is perfect for Bettas.
5. I'm betting you didn't acclimate your fish to the new water. Fish are very sensitive to changes in their water.

So, a few things for you before you try again:
- DO NOT trust some monkey selling you fish. They lie, a lot.
- Do some research on "Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle"
- DO NOT trust some monkey selling you fish. They lie, a lot.
- Do some research on "Aquarium Acclimation"
- DO NOT trust some monkey selling you fish. They lie, a lot.
- Before you purchase ANY fish do some research on them to determine what they NEED to survive.
- DO NOT trust some monkey selling you fish. They lie, a lot.
- Get your water tested. Find out your: Ammonia, NitrItes, NitrAtes and PH.
- DO NOT trust some monkey selling you fish. They lie, a lot.
- Be sure you have the right temperature in your tank. Yes, it's very possible to cook or freeze your fish.
- DO NOT trust some monkey selling you fish. They lie, a lot.

So, see the recurring theme there?

Come back and talk to us once you have a bit more data. We love to help.


New Fish
Feb 24, 2011
its true wat he said, dont trust any cheapy little fish person around, i remember that they sold me 5 sick fishes withoout telling me....they died in about 1 an hour


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I would suggest doing a fishless cycle (nitrogen cycle) there is a link in my signature now that all your fish are dead. Don't buy anymore fish until you have completed the cycle.

After you have completed the cycle the inhabitants I would suggest for your 5 gallon are as followed. Just a note each bullet is it's own suggestion and the bullets should not be combined within your tank.
- single betta
- shrimp tank
- ADF (Aquatic Dwarf Frog) Tank

I do have a DP (Dwarf Puffer) in a 5 gallon tank, you may have noticed, but I would not suggest them for beginners because they are sensitive.

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