help please clown loach


Small Fish
May 11, 2003
Toronto Canada
Visit site
my 75 gallon tank has been running 5 years now.havent lost a fish in like three years now.there are 2 angelfish 2 rainbows was 8 clown loaches 6 cory cats all the water test are fine a bought 3 clown loaches from big Als about a mounth ago in the last 48 hours i lost the 3 new loaches plus 3 of my big clown loaches and 2 cory cats have all i see on my big 6 inch clown loach his eye is turning white?? there is no ick in the tank no white spots on any fish even the dead clowns.any help please?????


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
If I were you I would go back to big als and tell them what happened. They have a health guarentee on all their fish as far as I know.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Have you tried treating the tank with Melafix and Primafix? Melafix is antibacterial and Primafix is antifungal. Both are relatively cheap.

I also totally and strongely advise going back to Big Als and telling them what happened. You may be outside of their 30/45 day health guarentee but they will, hopefully have an idea what to do. (I'd take the white eyed guy with me too if you can transport him with out him getting cold or stressed, if you can't take pictures with a camera phone or digital camera)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I think I would give Big Al's a call and at least ask for a refund. As for any "advice" they give you, I wouldn't take it. You'll get better information on here. I would NOT take a sick fish to a fish store to have some clueless employee look at it.

It sounds like something definitely came in with the new fish unfortunately. Clown's can be very sensitive and come from the wild, they aren't bred in tanks. Is the "white eye" fuzzy? Sticking out? have something growing out of it? Check your other fish carefully, head to tail. Anyone else have similar symptoms or other oddities? The water changes are a good idea, you also might want to bump the temperature up a few degrees to about 80. Don't treat with any salt or such though, the loaches and corycats are sensitive to salt and other fish meds.


Small Fish
May 11, 2003
Toronto Canada
Visit site
after the water change and a little clean up the clowns are back to ther
self.and i notice that my heater was not right it would not go off.could of
the heater have something to do with the truble?? could the water got to warm? the loach with the white eye seems to be doing good his eye is not white any more same colour as other eye now. thanks for your help guys or girls