
Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
My leopard corydoras fish looks like his skin is falling off and looks like he is shrivling up. What is this and what meds can I use to fix him. He is just laying at the bottom of a old fish bowl I had. and he looks awful near his head it kinda looks as if someone tried to chew him up. I only have guppies and 2 snails so I know that is imposible. I am doing research to see what it might be but no luck. I hope he is not a gonner my poor cory. :confused: Just so you know I have no testing kits, the temp is at 76 and I feed him one algae disc a night but broken in half so the snails can eat too.

Get yourself a test kit...that's important.

What I would suggest is getting a decent sized water sample of your main tank, and taking it to your LFS. Bring your fish as well, but in a seperate container of water. Honestly, he may not even make the trip.

He may have rubbed himself raw against the rocks, or something. I don't know anything about Guppies, so I really don't know if they're capable of doing anything like that.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
he is now upright leaning on the heater and every so often going up for air. I think he is a goner :( I put blue menthanol to kill any parasites in the aquarium and to heal him. However I think it may be too late. My poor Cory. I am just debating if I should put him out of his misery and freeze him. his skin near his head kinda looks almost like a pearly whitish light pink color and looks like the skin is flaking off. He seemed fine yesterday though, swimming and eating, but now when he swims he is pulled towards the filter so I don't know...

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New Fish
Jun 5, 2006
seems a little crouded in the 5gallon tank does he have adaquate hiding space, also corys prefer to be in groups of 6

this is just what i have read as im new to cory's i hope he survives such lovely fish


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
I had a situation with some cories that is just a little similar. I got a 29 gallon tank and I made 3 albino corys the brave founders of the tank, and about 2 weeks later I added a bronze cory. For the first 3 weeks, they were playing around and going crazy 24/7, then they started to get lazy.

They would just lay at the bottom, eat sometimes, and as you said just come up for a gulp of air and go back to laying on the bottom of the tank. I did water changes but I just assume it was the cycling my tank was going through. The two smallest albinos didn't make it, but they went out fighting and were probably as above described for a month before they lost the fight.

The good news; my largest albino and the bronze cory that were added survived and recovered from whatever they all had, and although they don't play as much as they once did, they are always up and active, looking for fun. I'm gonna have to get them some more brothers (or sisters) as a reward for being the brave founding father of my tank =)

Anyway, that is my story and experience with corydoras. My albino has faded skin color as well almost as you describe, but as I said he is now fine, so don't put him away just yet. At least I wouldnt.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Thank you for the reply. He is fighting i can see that. He is on his side right now :( and I was going to put him away but when I went to catch him he started swimming a bit to get away. So I moved him to my old goldfish bowl so he can be left alone from the other fish and not get stuck in the filter. I put a air tube for air and a piece of algae disc. Actually he just moved twice trying to swim and then fell back down on his side. I feel soooo bad and helpless. I was going to end his life but he obviously is trying to tell me not to. He is my favie tooo waaaaa. I put sea salt in the bowl and more blue menthol with fresh declorhinated water. Hope he fights to live. I just thought maybe he wasn't eating enough food cause the snails eat his food. Don't know. All I can do is wait. He was always hiding in his castle and only came out at night usually. I would see him sometimes see him out and about but mostly at night.

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Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
-JIN- said:
i think ur cory gt some bacteria or parasite prob,once it rub against da rock of pebbles,u shld seprate it,pt ur blue methanol,when da skin peel off,is too late....
I think you are right Jin, he must have had it a while but I never noticed it because he was always hiding out in the castle. I only noticed it yesterday cause he was actually out when it was feeding time, and I noticed he didn't look too well. However it was a little too late. Btw is that your betta in your picture? If so he is really pretty.

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Large Fish
Mar 21, 2006
Im rali sad about ur leapord cory,i luv leapord cory,they r cute,bt nvm once we did a mistake we will improve.Last time i have a guppy when im small,i saw my guppy rub against da pebble,i thought he was playin,bt he past away few days after sad to lose nvm u can try again with new 1.Good luck with ur fish.