Help, please! Female VT is "paralyzed!"


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Hey all. I have a serious problem. I am posting this here instead of in the betta forum because I thought I might get a more of a response here. I have a tiny (about 1") crimson female VT betta that is "paralyzed" from the pectoral fins back. She's lost most of her color from there back (doesn't even have the horizontal stress bars) and is rigid all through her back. The only change that has happened is that I stripped down the tank she and the rest were in today and scrubbed it thoroughly because of the algae and because I had two upside down cats and two otos die in there in the last two weeks (not a water parameter problem...I took a sample to the LFS before I bought the last batch of otos and everything looked great...don't remember the exact numbers, but I wouldn't have gotten the otos if the water hadn't been okay). I set everything back up (did about a 50% water change) and let it run for several hours before putting all the fish back in (my females have a tendancy to bite, so I take them out whenever I have to do anything in the tank). I added my son's five platies as well. Everyone was doing fine until I got home about 20 minutes ago and found the little crimson girl like this. None of the other fish are affected at all. The otos are out in force, the platies are playing tag, the upside down cat is chilling by the heater like he always does and the other tiny female VT is cruising the tank making sure everyone is behaving. Anyone ever had this strange "paralysis" happen? I don't think Victoria (the crimson) is going to make it through the night (I have her quarantined in one of the 10gals with salt, Melafix, a heater turned up to 78 and a CFL on it), but I'd like to know what it might be in case it shows up again. Thanks!