Help Please-ICH problems + Other Possible Diseases/Fungus

May 4, 2009

Ok so I am treating my tank for the ICH with Quick Cure. I am on Day 4(today, no treatment yet). I have been using half dosage (because I have Neons and Cory’s in the tank) about 25-28 drops in my 55 gallon.

Before I started treatment I performed a 30-40% water change and all of my water tests, everything came back within reason so I started treatment. I slowly raised the water temp from about 78-79ish and I am currently at 82-83. I have kept the lights off in the tank because I read it is less stressful for the fish if you keep the lights off-they would enter a dormant state for the few days. So I have been keeping food to a minimum if anything at all.

Yesterday (day 3 of treatment) I turned the light on for a few moments to check on them. All of my fish were “suspended” and inactive. I am guessing this is because of the medication, increase in water temp, and lack of lights. I took a closer look at the fish I caught the ICH on. He is doing better with only a few spots but OMG almost every fish in my tank has it now. It has spread to everything. I am guessing just keep at the quick cure till everything goes away since I might have missed the life cycle. My first question is-do I continue on past day 3 of the quick cure as normal or do I perform a water change (20-40%) prior to medicating again? Do I just keep at the quick cure till everything is gone and everybody is healed?

Ok, so that covers my ICH. Now the real “help” part. I lost one of my rams already and I think the same problem has reappeared. The ram I lost had the top portion of his tail fin missing. There was a white wound where the tail was missing. He turned very pale and would not swim or eat, just suspended in some of the plants. 2 days later and unfortunately he passed. Now my 2nd in command Male Blue Ram has a similar white wound on his tail. It is not as big and he seems to be active so I guess it may just be a nip wound but I wanted to make sure. Could this have anything to do with the ICH? Is this another disease, parasite, fungus that I need to deal with?

Lastly my poor female Blue Ram (she is so cute) has a red blemish right where her tail fin meets her “body”. I only noticed this yesterday and tried to take some pictures of this. Again-I have no idea what this is. Could this be related to the ICH? (She doesn’t seem to have any of the ICH white spots on her). Could this be a nip mark from one of the other males picking on her? Another type of parasite, fungus, or disease? (Sorry about the pictures, they are usually much more photogenic)

The scary part I noticed is that the dominant male (which had already paired with her) is now chasing her off like he knows she is sick. I feel so bad for my guys. I know I am not supposed to start any additional treatment when using one already (quick cure) but I am at a total loss on what to do. Please help.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
You said your water tested 'within reason'. What was your ammonia reading? I suspect ammonia poisoning and I'm not sure how well they can take the ich meds in addition to stress from poor water conditions if indeed ammonia is high.

Also, what are your current ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate readings?

Don't start any additional meds.

May 4, 2009
All day at work, worrying about my fish. Very distracting if you ask me. Anyways… I got home at the usual time expecting the worse. The male ram’s tail to be infected to all hell, the female’s “red spot” to have increased in size and a decrease in activity, and a spread of the ICH onto everything.
So I got home, ignored the poor lil kitty, and went straight for the tank. I was in shock. The Male’s tail had rid itself of the “white” areas and was now just missing part of it (guess it was an attack and hopefully with no fungus/infection), the Female’s tail “red spot” had decreased to a very faint blemish, and after looking over the tank, I can see that the # of ICH spots was generally lower. My temp had risen to about 83.4(keeping in line with the .5 degree 12 hours or 1 degree every 24 hours increments to not over stress them anymore than they already are.) Things look like they are improving.
Fed them just a little. It’s a tough feeding job so far-anything that goes into the tank the Rhasbora’s and Tetras seem to get to, so I try to distract them with flakes and drop some pellets for the Rams. I figure the Cory’s will get the leftovers with the two angels.
Checked my levels and everything was in reason, I will post results below. My PH and AK have both dropped a few, should I try to increase it during the treatment?

Nitrate 0-5
Nitrite 0
Hardness 75 (soft)
Chlorine 0
Alkalinity 20-40
pH 6.4-7.0
Ammonia 0-.25
I wait a few hours (until it’s with 1-2 hours of when I treated the tank previously) and re-treated the tank with ½ the dosage of quick cure (25-27 drops – 55gallon tank)
I am going away tomorrow for 2 days unfortunately for work, so leaving the GF in charge of medicating/feeding. Hope when I get back everything will be ok. I’ll be back in Sunday mid-day so not to long away from them.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Leave the pH alone. Stable pH is better for your fish than monkeying around with it trying to maintain an 'ideal' level.

The things you need to watch are ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. You might want to show the gf how to test for ammonia while you're gone. Of course, if it goes over 1 a partial water change is in order.

May 16, 2009
Just a word... keep treating with ich medicine or higher water temperatures for a few days after all symptoms are gone, this way the ich that have not yet hatched will also be sure to die off. And as for the tail rot/whiteness, that could have been the ich as well. When all my fish got ich my tiger oscar's fins were white and deteriorated for awhile until he healed...