Help Please


Medium Fish
Jan 10, 2007
Hey I haven't been on in a while but I need some help so two things -

First we just got these two new fish from the local aquarium and I forget what they are called - i thought it was something like pantherax or something...... but anyway - well basically they are -

- a greeny yellow colour
- sorta remind me of miny whales in their shape of their head
- have a white spot on the top of their heads
- oh yeah and their yellow tails are tinged in red.
- They are also about 6 cm long.

Anyone know what they are? One of them (I think its a male as its a litle bt bigger than the other, with more red on its tail and a lot more aggresive) is really territorial and when I get my hand in their to clean the glass he tries to bite my arm, and if he had teeth it would probably hurt he is very vicious.

And secondly if you know what they are is it possible for this fish to at a smaller fish such as a neon or cherry barb? Because so far all of our 4 cherry barbs and one of the neons has gone "missing", the first one turning up half eaten and decayed the rest totally gone.

The fish is only a little bit bigger than them and I have seen no signs of aggression to the other fish, but that is all I can think of. Our other fish include pristella tetras, loaches and platys.

Any help would be great thanks!

Cas :D