HELP!! please!

Dec 24, 2008
okay, first, thank you for reading this!
2. i have had a tank (20g) before but i havn't used it in a while... 1-2yrs
i just got a 45g for my bday and i was wondering how long to filter just the water before adding fishys and plants... some..*SUNSMILE**SUNSMILE**SUNSMILE*:rolleyes:*twirlysmi

Welcome to that tank! :D

As for your problem, I'm assuming you mean how long until your tank is cycled? Filtering the water isn't going to do much if you don't have any bacteria to get started with.

If you have another tank set up, you can use some of the decor, substrate, or filter media like cartridges temporarily in the new tank to get the bacteria in there. If not, you can get BioSpira or some other product.

If you don't know what cycling is, I'll get you a link. :)

Edit: Tada! MissFishy's Guide to Fish

Dec 24, 2008
Thanks... but i sort of killed all of my fish in the 20g a year or two ago... it was sad.. Bleach can do that to fish right lol.... yea umm it is like used but not filled yet... my family knos nothing to fish so yea i depend on these sites!! like to filter the water through a cycle would take how long about?!

It depends. Sometimes two weeks and sometimes two months.
I never cycled any of my tanks from scratch. The first one I didn't do at all cuz I was uninformed, and the others I just used stuff from the first established tank to get a faster cycle.

Just wait a while, someone with more experience than me will show up eventually. :)


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
Best way for a beginner is to read the Freshwater Beginner Stickies in this forum. They are a great resource to learn where to begin.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I agree with TMony. Read the stickies. They will give you a lot of info and if you still have questions please post.
Gotta agree with this also, the stickies are a good source of info, including cycling also, as whiskers said dont hesitate to ask questions it can be a pain trying to find things using the search function.

Personally I wouldnt add fish until it was fully cycled.. see the fishless cycle section in the link kissyboots provided for you. I, much like Kissyboots, didnt cycle my first tank and I didnt even check the water params all that much, I found a site that said add fish wait a month and then change the water so thats what I did, it actually worked for me but I wouldnt recommend it. Now I use media from other tanks.

Welcome to the tank..