Hello all this is my first post. I'm in need of some advice for my new tank. I currently have a 120l with 3aurulius barbs, 2spanner barbs, 2port acara( aequidens portalegrensis) about 5 inches and a rogue emporer tetra which nothing messes with. I plan on putting all of these in my new tank but would also like to keep another type of medium sized cichlid in there with them, maybe 2. I'm toying with the idea of taking one spanner barb and one acara( bullied by other) back to my LFS. Then introducing two individuals of different species medium size cichlid. Types I'm interested in are:-
Convict female
Firemouth not really wanted as very similar in colour to acaras. Im also concern a convict might be a bit much for my dithers to handle.Tank will be well decorated with lots of plants,bogwood a few rocks and hidey places. Lots of filtration and sand substrate. Any old hands who think this idea is feasible? If not what else might work? I also like the idea of a school of torpedo barbs instead of additional cichlids but I can only get youngsters up to two inches and due to their body shape worry theyl be a tasty snack for my acaras. Any good advice would be very much appreciated.thanks
Convict female
Firemouth not really wanted as very similar in colour to acaras. Im also concern a convict might be a bit much for my dithers to handle.Tank will be well decorated with lots of plants,bogwood a few rocks and hidey places. Lots of filtration and sand substrate. Any old hands who think this idea is feasible? If not what else might work? I also like the idea of a school of torpedo barbs instead of additional cichlids but I can only get youngsters up to two inches and due to their body shape worry theyl be a tasty snack for my acaras. Any good advice would be very much appreciated.thanks