Help rounding out 90 gallon stocking list

Aug 8, 2011
Houston, TX
Greetings all!

I'm a new member trying to round out my list for a new 90 gallon acrylic tank (60 x 18 x 20) that I am resurrecting. I am moving my current 55 stock to it when it is ready. This will be a planted tank with CO2 and HO T5 lighting. Filtering will be via Eheim 2217 and a Penguin 350. I am planning to add some kuhlis and was considering adding some rainbows. Here is how the stock will look:

What I currently have:
9 Serpae Tetra
15 Tiger Barbs (Some albino; some not)
1 Opaline Gourami

What I want to add:
6-10 Kuhli Loaches
6-8 Boesemani OR Lake Kutubu Rainbows

The Kuhlis are a must; I just love those little guys. I also like the dwarf neon rainbows and would consider those in place of the larger species if necessary. I am also open to any suggestions that I may not have thought of.

I've got a lot of sanding to do on the I am just in the planning stage now.

Thanks for your help & suggestions!


Aug 8, 2011
Houston, TX
The RTBS may turn out to be an issue. He could potentially kill the Kuhli's, Gourami and maybe even the Serpae's and Rainbow's.
Yeah. I am aware of the potential problems. I know it is kind of a crapshoot with these guys. He has been good so far and I'll keep an eye on him. I was on the fence about getting one, but my son really likes them so I caved.

We had one incident where he rounded up the tigers into a corner. It was just the tigers, mind you which I thought odd. That went on for about a couple of hours and then everyone went back to normal. After that, I watch him much more closely. The new tank will be well planted, breaking up line of sight. And, I am prepared to re-home him if he shows any further signs of aggression.

I am more concerned right now with stocking levels. I am getting mixed opinions from various sources as to whether the rainbows would cross the line into over-stocked territory. I was at one point thinking that I could get away with the rainbows and maybe even adding another pair of opalines, but now I am not so sure.

After looking at rainbows, the praecox are now also in the running, gorgeous little fish that they are!

Any other thoughts?



Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
when you get the kuhllis...get like 15ish...youll loose 5 prob in the first month. having no scales makes them not as hardy ive noticed as some other things. just ake sure you have a lot of hiding spots for them. wood, plants. theyll burrow in gravel if they can get through it also

tiger barbs and gouramis can both be nasty..CAN. so i would be careful adding any docile fish. you could get some danios though as ditchers for the and hardy and barbs cant catch them.. :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Personally I don't think the rainbows will push you into overstocking territory (but I'm a heavy stocker myself) - or at least it wouldn't until they get full sized, by which time attrition may have reduced your overall numbers. There is an online tool called AqAdvisor - AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor - that some people use to run stocking ideas. It can be overly conservative, but you might want to check it out . . . . .