Help save this pair


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My mated pair of oscars are suffering from a mild to severe case of HITH and I know its from being in smaller than acceptable conditions. They are in a 50 gallon tank with a 10 inch pleco and 5 in. CAE. I know they would recover if someone could supply them with reasonable conditions. This is probably a long shot..but if nobody could take them then I will eventually just have to put them down. Waste of a good breeding pair of oscars if you ask me. I live in the Kennesaw, Georgia area, and they would have to be picked up. They will breed for you, they have produced in total about 2000 babies for me. :)



Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
use the old vaseline on the background trick ? :)

anyway, your tank size alone is not COMPLETELY responsible for your HITH outbreak.

while it was once thought the HITH is caused by the hexamita, most oscar fanatics (and discus as well) now believe that HITH is caused by 2 things:

1. sustained, high levels of nitrates over a long period of time.

2. a diet with little variety, and hence little vitamins and minerals (i.e.- people who feed their oscars almost nothing but goldfish, etc.)

HITH is very easy to cure if you read the article. you simply need to increase your water changes and feed your O's a more varied diet.

for the fish you have, i would up for the 75 gallon or even better, a 100 or 125 gallon tank.

HTH ..........not HITH :)

ya, like Mana said, a more varied diet would give them vitamins they need. And if they have enough nutrients, that could maybe help fight off some diseases IMO.

Now, I know this sounds a little crazy, but according to what you said they are a mated pair, i think i found a way to sex Oscar's!!!:D Their's no apparent fin differential, so i'm thinking size;). With Cichlid's usually the female is smaller than the male and that's what it looks like with your picture*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
Now, I know this sounds a little crazy, but according to what you said they are a mated pair, i think i found a way to sex Oscar's!!! Their's no apparent fin differential, so i'm thinking size. With Cichlid's usually the female is smaller than the male and that's what it looks like with your picture
good guess, but not correct :) .

oscars, like many other cichlid species are completely way to tell the difference between sexes without probing.

the fact that his female may be smaller than the male is coincidental.